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Find the right package for you

How many videos per month?



Includes 10 videos
per month

  • Start sending today

£0 /mo

Additional videos at
£4 each

Let’s go


Includes 100 videos
per month

  • Start sending today

£25 /mo

Additional videos at
£1 each

Let’s go


Includes 250 videos
per month

  • Start sending today
  • Upload custom fonts

£50 /mo

Additional videos at
35p each

Let’s go


Includes 750 videos
per month

  • Upload custom fonts
  • Branded landing page
  • SSO authentication

£115 /mo

Additional videos at
15p each

Let’s go

How many videos per month?



Includes 400 videos
per year

  • Start sending today

£0 /mo

Billed annually
Additional videos at
£4 each

Let’s go


Includes 800 videos
per year

  • Start sending today

£20 /mo

Billed annually
Additional videos at
£1 each

Let’s go


Includes 1200 videos
per year

  • Start sending today
  • Upload custom fonts

£41 /mo

Billed annually
Additional videos at
35p each

Let’s go


Includes 1600 videos
per year

  • Upload custom fonts
  • Branded landing page
  • SSO authentication

£95 /mo

Billed annually
Additional videos at
15p each

Let’s go

For a full list of features and what’s included in each plan, see our terms and conditions

Frequently asked questions

Do my credits carry over to the next month?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis venenatis sed ex nec suscipit. Ut ullamcorper tincidunt nunc eu aliquam. Aliquam sed lacus consequat massa finibus finibus eget nec magna. Nullam accumsan urna id nibh malesuada, et pretium erat suscipit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis venenatis sed ex nec suscipit. Ut ullamcorper tincidunt nunc eu aliquam. Aliquam sed lacus consequat massa finibus finibus eget nec magna. Nullam accumsan urna id nibh malesuada, et pretium erat suscipit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis venenatis sed ex nec suscipit. Ut ullamcorper tincidunt nunc eu aliquam. Aliquam sed lacus consequat massa finibus finibus eget nec magna. Nullam accumsan urna id nibh malesuada, et pretium erat suscipit.


“Social pops have been a great tool for us and we’re now using them on a number of projects. It’s made it easy to create something unique, at scale. The personalisation makes them really fun and special for our members – they actually reach out to us to ask for them! And the fact that they’re easy to share on social makes it good for our members and great for our brand.”

Claire Sleep Head of Marketing Planning – Members and Affiliates, ACCA

“We’ve been using social pops for over a year to celebrate our members’ achievements. With many members sharing their personalised social pop on their Linkedin profile, we can safely say they’re a great way to delight customers and encourage sharing”

Anna Maria Itsiou Campaign Manager, CIPD

Looking for enterprise support?

Our customer success team can provide end-to-end campaign support — from data management to video creation, we can do it all for you

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